
Design Thinking ‘Double Diamond’ Process Model

In all creative processes a number of possible ideas are created (‘divergent thinking’) before refining and narrowing down to the best idea (‘convergent thinking’), and this can be represented by a diamond shape. But the Double Diamond indicates that this happens twice – once to confirm the problem definition and once to create the solution.

Divided into four distinct phases – Discover, Define, Develop and Deliver – the Double Diamond is a simple visual map of the design process.

  • Discover – The first quarter of the Double Diamond model covers the start of the project to look at the world in a fresh way, notice new things and gather insights.
  • Define – The second quarter represents all the possibilities identified in the discover phase and to develop a creative brief that frames the design challenge.
  • Develop – The third quarter marks a period of development where solutions or concepts are created, prototyped, tested and iterated to improve and refine ideas.
  • Delivery – The final quarter of the double diamond model is the delivery stage, where the resulting project is finalised, produced and launched.